Edgebanding Solutions.
We do not offer edgebanding for InteriorArts; however, there are several outside companies that do.
See below for their contact info:
Ft Worth, TX 76140
Contact: Judy Oh
Frama-Tech is very helpful and our recommended reference for customers seeking InteriorArts edgebanding. Frama-Tech has coils of InteriorArts edgebanding in stock. Please contact them for available product and widths. They do not have order minimums for material in stock. Minimums apply for materials not in stock. The minimum is 600 lineal feet for .018” thick material. The minimum is 300 lineal feet for material that has a thickness of 1 mm (.03937”). The lead time for any custom item is approximately three weeks. Customers should contact Frama-Tech with questions.
Bolton, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Keith Carroll
Teknaform’s focus is PVC edgebanding. Their matches are often very close but are unlikely to be an exact match. They stock a few InteriorArts edgebanding lookalikes. Lead times can be up to four weeks.